

11 Nov

3 minutes ago, Kalsiam said:

Same thing is happening to me for the past 2 days now... I have a 3 day booster so I want to maximize the kuva gains but like 8/10 kuva flood missions I've done gave no relics. At least I'm getting a lot of kuva but still, the no relic bug is really annoying. I've been doing them the minute they pop up too, not like 5 min before they disappear which is another bug where some people say that doing a flood after the timer expires will bug out and not reward you a relic.

The Kuva Flood timer expiring while you are in the mission will not have an effect on the mission reward. The issue was with mission types that dynamically changes the rewardTier based on performance. This issue will be fixed in a future Hotfix.

10 Nov

On 2019-11-08 at 2:31 PM, BlindStalker said:

@[DE]Saske I figured out why sometimes kuva flood mission is still not awarding a requiem relic upon completion. Whenever the Kuva Flood mission becomes a Rescue mission it will not award a requiem relic. I have video proof to confirm this. I completed a Kuva Flood Rescue mission last night and it did not reward a requiem relic. I realized it was specifically Rescue missions on Kuva Floods because all of the kuva floods that I didn't get a requiem relic from were all rescue missions (plan...

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08 Nov


Hey lordfezero! I am seeing a Smoking Body ephemera blueprint in your account, unlike the newer ephemera you will have to craft this one!

01 Nov


Hey Tenno! We are aware of this issue, we do not have a timeline for a fix, but we are investigating. 


Hello LachannIt should be a guarantied chance, what was your loadout when you killed the larvlings and what contributed the killing blow?

31 Oct


Hey Tenno! We are aware of this issue, we do not have a timeline for a fix, but we are investigating.

28 Oct


Hey Tenno! There is an small difference in the reticle indicating which mode you are currently using.  

17 Oct


Hey Tenno! Like mentioned in the other thread there might be two issues at play here. The first one is that Hexagon and Orokin...

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16 Oct


Hey Tenno! Digging a bit deeper to see if the Amalgam special mods stopped dropping again. We do not have a timeline for a fix but we are investigating.


Hey BlindStalkerThe issue you can see in the video was that Hexagon and Orokin Cells had the wrong item type for the Amalgam enemies, in cases like this the drop will use the generic mod drop model.

In the next Hotfix Hexagon and Orokin Cells will have the correct drop model for the Amalgam enemies. 

15 Oct


Hey Tenno! The duplicate relics in the Interception drop tables will be fixed in the next Hotfix. Stay tuned.

22 Mar


Hey Gitimus! Could you post the WAR-Number from the crash handler please?


15 Mar


Hey Tenno! We have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix.

14 Mar


Hey Tenno! We are looking into the issue.

12 Mar


Hey Tenno! We are going to update the challenge description to ""Mine 0/6 Rare Gems or Ore in the Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis" in a future Hotfix. 

11 Mar


Hey Tenno! The daily special should show up again!

08 Mar


Hey 98Octane! The instant equip should work with gear items too, you can use your left and right mouse button to switch back to our scanner/ laser.


Hey Tenno! This issue will be fixed in the upcoming Hotfix.


Hey Tenno! We should have a fix for this issue in the upcoming Hotfix.